Here am I. Send me!

Isaiah 6:8

·      We have Our Mission

Mark 16:15a: “Go into all the world . . .”

·      We have Our Message

Mark 16:15b: “. . . and preach the gospel

·      We have our Might

Acts 1:8

“You are the salt of the earth . . .”

Matthew 5:13a

1.    We must be Intentional

Acts 2:46-47

·      Purpose-Driven in Christ

·      Passion-Driven in Christ

·      Power-Driven in Christ
Acts 4:33

Revelation 3:7-8

2.    We must be Inviting

Acts 2:47b
“ . . . and having favor with all the people . . .”
Matthew 5:16

3.   We must be Interceding

I Timothy 2:1

I Timothy 5:17-18
Matthew 5:44